Improving Dust Emission Models: Wind Speed Bias and Alluvial Flows
Emily Faber
The UFS-AQM Online Prediction System for Enhanced Fire Predictability
Dr. Jianping Huang
Ongoing Research and Developments for NOAA’s Next Generation Air Quality Model
Dr. Patrick Campbell
George Mason University/NOAA-ARL Affiliate
Seasonal Prediction with the Unified Forecast System
Presenter(s): Philip Pegion, OAR/Physical Sciences Lab
On Tropical Variability in NOAA’s Unified Forecast System
Presenter(s): Dr. Lisa Bengtsson and Dr. Maria Gehne, Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL)
Designing fully non-parametric state and parameter estimation methods for the UFS
Presenter(s):Jonathan Poterjoy, University of Maryland
Model infrastructure development in UFS weather model
Presenter(s): Jun Wang, NWS/NCEP/EMC
The history and development of the NOAA FENGSHA dust emission scheme
Presenter(s): Barry Baker, NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
A new operational hurricane prediction system for NOAA: UFS-based Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS)
Presenter(s): Dr. Zhan Zhang, Dr. Xuejin Zhang
The Warn-on-Forecast System: Probabilistic Prediction of Individual Thunderstorms
Presenter: Patrick C. Burke