UFS Webinar

METplus Verification and Diagnostics Framework – Updates, Plans and Challenges

Presenter: Tara Jensen – NCAR/RAL and DTC

The enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus) is a very comprehensive verification and diagnostic software package for use with a wide range of temporal and spatial prediction and available to the Unified Forecast System (UFS) developers and users via the Developmental Testbed Center (DTC). Recent emphasis has been on addressing the needs of the UFS Research to Operations (R2O) project, the findings from the 2021 DTC UFS Evaluation Metrics Workshop, the DTC Testing and Evaluation activities, and numerous other projects. This talk will review what has been added, what is in the development pipeline, and some of the challenges the METplus team is facing while trying to ensure that all of the additions will be able to move into operations successfully.

Presentation Slides
Watch webinar recording on YouTube