UFS Webinar

An EPIC Dive into Social Science: What is the Community of Community Modeling?

Presenter: Michael Michaud; University of Delaware, NOAA Lapenta Intern 2021

Over the last several decades, community modeling has become more prevalent within earth system science and is seen as a way to solve our wicked forecasting problems. Most community modeling focuses on the technical infrastructure of designing models overlooking the needed social infrastructure to nurture and connect the people developing the models. This presentation examines key stakeholder perceptions on the meaning of a sense of community within a community model. The key stakeholders interviewed included individuals involved with the Unified Forecast System (UFS) and the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) across various sectors of the weather, climate, and water enterprise. Through data from interviews and utilizing theoretical and practical frameworks, this presentation makes recommendations on how EPIC can cultivate necessary social infrastructure through structures like a Community of Practice to continuously engage members to develop a sense of community. In order to utilize the full power of a technical system, members need a sense of community and constant engagement.

Presentation Slides
Watch webinar recording on YouTube